Thursday 29 March 2012

Pitt Rivers

Went to the Pitt Rivers Museum to look at the amulets and charms exhibition. There were many different ones all from around the world and a variety of cultures. It was very useful to see them first hand and be able to photograph and draw them.

Tuesday 27 March 2012

The Evil Eye

I have been reading the book "The history and use of amulets, charms and talismans" and found out more about 'The Evil Eye' which is when someone who is filled with envy infects, by a glance or by words of praise, someone of a young age. Ancient Egyptians believes that to protect children, they must wear "the Eye of Horus". So I then had the idea to draw this symbol within a silhouette of a child to represent protection from the 'evil eye' .

Monday 26 March 2012

Thomas Hicks

Makes music videos and collaborated with the band Gravenhurst.

Has an experimental and unique style of animation. Need to watch them.

Like the style and how he interprets the human form.

Sam Griffiths

Ancient Japan

An illustration as part of a poster campaign promoting Japan as a tourist destination.

Use of silhouette technique with lots of details and the small use of only one colour

Andy Potts

Freelance illustrator and animator

I like his style and use of silhouetted figures as well as colour and composition, would like to view animations as well as other work.

Laura Mullen

Triton, King of the Sea

An illustration of Triton who used a conch shell like a trumpet to control the ocean waves.

Very relevant to the tales of magical objects competition. Use of only black as white colours and a smooth curved composition.

Marcus Irwin

Hollywood Pin-up

Use of silhouette is different with the detail inside it rather than around it.


The Best of British Contemporary Illustration...

Lara Harwood -

Very colourful work with an interesting composition and abstract human form that works well with the composition.

Wednesday 21 March 2012

Pitt Rivers Museum, Amulets & Charms Collections

As a start to the project, the competition information suggested that I take inspiration from the Amulets & Charms collection at the Pitt Rivers Museum. This webpage goes into more detail about the collection including items from different countries and for a range of purposes. Some purposes include, keeping evil spirits away, protection, assistance and good luck with hunting, good health, medicinal, bringing luck and success in passing exams, protection against death in battle and much more. One that interested me in particular was a necklace that was to help interpret messages received from thunder. This is a slightly more unusual purpose and one that I may research more into. I was also interested in the idea of 'mana' meaning supernatural power which can be present in man and objects but always derives from spirits. This could be an over-arching theme to develop more.