Wednesday 21 March 2012

Pitt Rivers Museum, Amulets & Charms Collections

As a start to the project, the competition information suggested that I take inspiration from the Amulets & Charms collection at the Pitt Rivers Museum. This webpage goes into more detail about the collection including items from different countries and for a range of purposes. Some purposes include, keeping evil spirits away, protection, assistance and good luck with hunting, good health, medicinal, bringing luck and success in passing exams, protection against death in battle and much more. One that interested me in particular was a necklace that was to help interpret messages received from thunder. This is a slightly more unusual purpose and one that I may research more into. I was also interested in the idea of 'mana' meaning supernatural power which can be present in man and objects but always derives from spirits. This could be an over-arching theme to develop more.

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